Webmagazine theme by webmag is built on the official WordPress theme, TwentyTen.
The advantage of using Twenty Ten as a basic of the theme is that the theme will be ready for all plugins made for WordPress.
Featured image support without the need for code modification.
Custom logo image.
List of latest post for optional categories above the footer.
Horizontal footer widget area
Blue gradient header background
Full screen header and footer
A horizontal description (tag-line) instead of vertical
Navigation menu below logo ,site name, and description.
A 400 pixel wide sidebar instead of a narrow sidebar.
Optional use of 2 narrow sidebars bellow the 400px sidebar.
A gray footer area.
Emboss text effect in header and footer using only CSS shadows.
@fontface fonts in header and footer.
Download and info: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/webmagazine
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Updated to Version: 1.6 on 2010-12-09
Theme homepage: http://wordpressthememagazine.com/webmagazine/