AdSense WordPress Plugin provides a quick an easy way for you to create and manage AdSense across your entire WordPress site.
This WordPress plugin for Adsense allows you to easily add Google Adsense into your WordPress blog posts and pages without having to manually code it themselves. This WordPress Adsense plugin incorporates the following features:
Easily embed Adsense across all your blog posts or pages just by adding your Adsense Publisher ID.
Easily select from all the Adsense sizes and formats to include within your blog.
Easily choose the location on your posts or pages where Adsense appears.
Easily create a Privacy Policy Page that is AdSense Compliant.
This plugin requires you to register your Name and Email Address. Your Name and Email address will be sent to and then the data will be sent to our Aweber subscription list. You can view the terms at our Privacy Policy Page here: and the Aweber Privacy Policy here: If you have already registered the plugin, simply enter your name and email again and the plugin will be activated immediately. You will not be added to the Aweber list again.