WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

WordPress Multisite Robots.txt Manager

Multisite Robots.txt Manager is a WordPress plugin by tribalNerd and Chris Winters that enables you to quickly manage all Network Websites robots.txt files directly within the Network Admin.

Manage all Network Websites from one Administration area.
Mass update the entire Network or update a unique Website.
Each Website within a Network can have a unique robots.txt file.
Robots.txt file examples that can be published to Websites or stored as a default.

Quick Info:
When you first install the plugin, no robots.txt files are active.
The default “Network Wide” robots.txt file is NOT a live robots.txt file.
If you deactivate the plugin, no options are removed but the robots.txt file(s) are no longer displayed.
If you delete this plugin, all options and settings will be removed from the database.

Make It Work:
To make the robots.txt live for a Website, either click the “publish to network” button or select the Website from the dropdown > then click the “change sites” buttons. Next, adjust the displayed robots.txt file, then click the “update this website” button. Both methods publish the robots.txt file to the Website(s), making it live. Click the [ view robots.txt ] link next to the Websites dropdown to view the changes within your browser.

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/multisite-robotstxt-manager/

More Screenshots –> http://technerdia.com/projects/robotstxt/screenshots.html

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