WP Content Experiments & Event Tracking is a WordPress plugin by WPSolutions HQ gives you the ability to conduct Content Experiments on your WordPress site by providing an easy interface which you can use to paste the relevant google experiments control code into the header of the page/post of your choice.
WP Content Experiments & Event Tracking
Google Content Experiments replaces Google Website Optimizer as the tool which website owners can use for the split testing of their site’s pages. Content Experiments is a tool which can found in your Google Analytics account from which you can do your split testing with.
This plugin also gives you the ability to perform event tracking on certain page elements such as buttons, links or other elements. The plugin will automatically add the event tracking code to particular elements on the wordpress post/page of your choice based on the configuration in the post/page editor window.
Plugin homepage: http://wpsolutions-hq.com/google-content-experiments-for-wordpress/
Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-content-experiments-event-tracking/