BuddyStream is a BuddyPress plugin by lackphantom that will synchronize all of your favorite Social Networks to the BuddyPress activity stream.
The plugin is easy to set-up, operate, and for your members to use.
Each Social Network has its own admin panel where you can see which users are using the network, view cool statistics, and manage the advanced filtering settings.
Networks that the plugin currently supports:
– Twitter
– Facebook
– Flickr
– Youtube
– Last.fm
FREE translations on: http://www.buddystream.net.
Download and info: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddystream/
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Updated to version 2.0 on 2011-5-1, Requires WordPress Version: WP 2.9.1, BuddyPress 1.2.3 or higher
Compatible up to: WP 3.1, BuddyPress 1.2.8