WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

BuddyPress Version 1.2.5 Announced

BuddyPress have announced version 1.2.5, which includes a number of important bug fixes to the 1.2 branch of code, and is another highly recommended upgrade. As always, be sure to back-up your installations before upgrading, and deactivate any dependent plugins that you might have to ensure there are no conflicts or errors during the process.

1.2.5 addresses a few WordPress 3.0 compatibility issues introduced in 1.2.4, and fixes a total of 49 reported issues.

BuddyPress is social networking in a box. Build a social network for your company, school, sports team or niche community all based on the power and flexibility of WordPress. It is built to bring people together. It works well to enable people with similar interests to connect and communicate. Some of the fantastic uses might be:

A campus wide social network for your university, school or college.
An internal communication tool for your company.
A niche social network for your interest topic.
A focused social network for your new product.

BuddyPress Plugins:

WP-FB-AutoConnect – allow your users to instantly log in to your site using their Facebook credentials.
BuddyPress Like – add a “like” button to site activity.
BuddyPress Links – rich media embedding for your BuddyPress powered site.
BuddyPress Tweetstream – allow your users to sync and post to their Twitter stream.
BuddyPress Facestream – allow your users to sync and post to their Facebook stream.
BuddyPress Album+ – allow your users to upload photos and create albums.
BuddyPress Group Documents – add file upload and document repositories to your groups.
BuddyPress Profile Privacy – allow your users to set privacy options on their profile data.
BuddyPress Welcome Pack – set defaults for new users, auto join them to groups or send welcome messages.
BuddyPress Group Blog (WordPress MU only) – allow your groups to include a fully functional WordPress blog.
BuddyPress Group Wiki – add wiki functionality to your groups so all members can contribute to pages.

More info: http://buddypress.org/2010/06/buddypress-1-2-5/

BuddyPress demo: http://testbp.org/

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