WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

Twenty Ten New Default WordPress 3 Theme

Twenty Ten is the new 2010 default theme for WordPress. Twenty Ten is just one of many new features in the major new version of WordPress, version 3. It replaces the current theme, kubrik.

Twenty Ten comes with a selection of header images. It’s easy to switch between any of the included header images or upload your own.

Twenty Ten neatly organizes your pages into a menu right in your blog’s header, and includes drop-down menus for multiple levels of nested sub-pages.

Twenty Ten includes special styles for posts that you file in the “Asides” or “Gallery” categories

Theme demo: http://2010dev.wordpress.com/

There is an article: THE HEADERS OF TWENTY TEN which has images of each header with the location and story behind each photo at: http://ma.tt/2010/06/headers-of-twenty-ten/

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