WordPress File Upload is a free WordPress plugin by Nickolas Bossinas enabling you or other users to upload files to your site from any page, post or sidebar easily and securely, by placing a shortcode. There is a Pro version with additional features.
It uses the latest HTML5 technology, however it will also work with old browsers and mobile phones.
It is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union.
It can be added in posts, pages or sidebars (as a widget).
It can capture and upload screenshots or video from the device’s camera.
It supports additional form fields (like checkboxes, text fields, email fields, dropdown lists etc).
It can be used as a simple contact form to submit data (a selection of file can be optional).
It produces notification messages and e-mails.
It supports selection of destination folder from a list of subfolders.
Upload progress can be monitored with a progress bar.
Upload process can be cancelled at any time.
It supports redirection to another url after successful upload.
There can be more than one instances of the shortcode in the same page or post.
Uploaded files can be added to Media or be attached to the current page.
Uploaded files can be saved to an FTP location (ftp and sftp protocols supported).
It is highly customizable with many (more than 50) options.
It supports filters and actions before and after file upload.
It contains a visual editor for customizing the plugin easily without any knowledge of shortcodes or programming
It supports logging of upload events or management of files, which can be viewed by admins through the Dashboard.
It includes an Uploaded Files top-level menu item in the Dashboard, from where admins can view the uploaded files.
It includes a file browser in the Dashboard, from where admins can manage the files.
It supports multilingual characters and localization.
Plugin homepage: https://www.iptanus.com/wordpress-plugins/wordpress-file-upload/