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WordPress Announcements News and Info

TinyMCE and TinyMCE Advanced Professsional Formats and Styles Plugin

TinyMCE and TinyMCE Advanced Professsional Formats and Styles is a WordPress plugin by blackbam.

TinyMCE Advanced
The plugin installs two files editor-style.css and editor-style-shared.css into your Theme folder (so you can still do updates of the Plugin), which can be edited in the backend of your site * editor-style.css is used for styling your TinyMCE Editor * editor-style-shared.css is used for styles to be used in your theme AND in your TinyMCE editor (so you do not have to copy).

The main feature of this Plugin is to offer a GUI to create custom style formats for TinyMCE dynamically * Easy and very fast to add/change/delete * You do not have to change one single line of source code

Download: http://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-and-tinymce-advanced-professsional-formats-and-styles/

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