WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

Ultimate Landing Page for WordPress

Ultimate Landing Page is a WordPress plugin by jeffbullins that enables site owners to create a landing page or coming soon page in as little as 5 minutes without any programming or design skills.

Ultimate Landing Page features:
Create a landing page with a customizable permalink to build your email list
Launch a one page coming soon site and collect emails to notify those interested when your site or product is ready
Add your logo for branding you
Choose a background color or add a background image to make the page uniquely yours
Customize the headline and description and choose a font
Uses Google Fonts to give you a large selection to choose from
Collect emails in Feedburner so you can stay in contact with your prospects

Plugin homepage demo: http://www.thinklandingpages.com/?source=wordpress.org

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ultimate-landing-page-and-coming-soon-page/

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