WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

WP Live Server Deploy for WordPress

WP Live Server Deploy is a WordPress plugin by sagetarian that automates the entire process for migrating your wordpress install from a test/development/source to the live/destination domain.

The plugin will:
If supported, archives the entire wordpress installation for compressed upload
Uploads either the archive or each individual file
Uploading each individual file uses maximizes upload speed by asynchronously uploading up to 10 files
You can choose to ignore a list of folders or files for the upload – example cache folder or repository folders
Dumps/Exports your entire database and uploads it to the live server
Automatically switches old URL with the new URL
Automatically updates the wp-config.php accordingly

Author notes:
If you are scared about the automated transfer and wish to do it manually, then just download the MySQL dump with the updated URL.

Please backup any files or mysql tables on the live server. Although Live Server Deploy aims to provide a seamless deploy, we cannot guarantee that nothing unexpected can happen that might damage your content. Use at own risk.

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-live-server-deploy/

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