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WordPress Announcements News and Info

WP Lead Management for WordPress

WP Lead Management is a WordPress plugin by www.best-hostings.in that turns your WordPress into a fully operational Lead Management CRM and requires no setup.

WP Effective Lead Management system is a lead Management solution for WordPress websites to manage the leads or contact us Emails. This is kind of very tiny CRM for a sales person who follows up with leads. This best fits of someone who is looking for simple and effective solutuion. If you are small company with few sales guys, this works better, Doing a complete integration of other complex softwares to handle the leasds is a overkill sometime.

Displays a lead form in the site and administrator.
All the administrators of the website can view the new leads. and they can pick and unpick the leads.
The administrator who picks the lead can view the requirements of that lead but others can’t view it and also he is having an option to delete that perticular lead but others cannot.
When the client submits a lead a mail is sent to all administrators of the site.
When the administrator picks the lead a status mail is sent to the client.
The administrator who is already picked the lead then is having an option to unpick the lead if once he unpicks that lead is reset back so that others can pick it.
Display leads information in the administrator based on the time and date.
This plug-in provides an easiest way to handle the leads.
Unlimited number of administrators can be added. 10.The form includes an simple javascript validation.

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-effective-lead-management/

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