Opengraph and Microdata Generator is WordPress plugin by itsabhik to add Facebook Opengraph and microdata in the section of your blog. The Facebook Opengraph and microdata lets you optimize your blog much more better and helps search engines to index your website better to show rich snippet.
This plugin also let Facebook, Google+ and Twitter users to share your blog with proper title, description, url and image.
The post title as Facebook Share/Like title and Microdata title.
The first image found in the post as the Facebook Share/Like thumbnail. Ability to define default thumbnail if no image is found on the post. This also applies for Microdata.
Custom excerpt as the Facebook Share/Like description. Brings the first 250 characters of the blog post if no custom excerpt is found. This also applies for Microdata.
The Post URL as the Facebook Share/Like URL. Doesn’t matter if you have pretty permalinks on. This also applies to Microdata.
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