WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

CloudFlare WordPress Plugin

CloudFlare has developed a plugin for WordPress. CloudFlare is a service that makes websites load faster and protects sites from online spammers and hackers. Any website with a root domain (ie http://www.mydomain.com) can use CloudFlare. On average, it takes less than 5 minutes to sign up.

By using the CloudFlare WordPress Plugin, you receive:
Correct IP Address information for comments posted to your site

Optimization of your server database

Better protection as spammers from your WordPress blog get reported to CloudFlare

The main purpose of this plugin is to ensure you have no change to your originating IPs when using CloudFlare. Since CloudFlare acts a reverse proxy, connecting IPs now come from CloudFlare’s range. This plugin will ensure you can continue to see the originating IP.

This plugin can also help to ensure your server database is running optimally. If you are going to run the Database Optimizer associated with this plugin, then run it at a low traffic time. While the database optimizer is running, your site will go into Read Only mode, which means that you or your visitors will not be allowed to post. The optimizer should run quickly. Once the optimizer is done running, you will be able to post to your site again.

Every time you click the ‘spam’ button on your blog, this threat information is sent to CloudFlare to ensure you are constantly getting the best site protection.

CloudFlare recommend that any user on WordPress and CloudFlare should use this plugin.

CloudFlare Info: http://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-the-cloudflare-wordpress-plugin

Download plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cloudflare/

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