WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

TheCartPress eCommerce plugin for WordPress

TheCartPress is an eCommerce plugin for WordPress, featuring native integration with WordPress 3.0, taking advantage of new types of post and taxonomies defined in the 3.0 version.

Image galleries, video galleries… and much more in your product descriptions.

WordPress Media Manager and all other WordPress funcionalities.

Powerful widgets to enhance and customize your themes. TheCartPress is distributed with many widgets that help you to create a professional store. For example, shopping cart, catalog menus, products reviews, etc.

Compatible with WordPress plugins and themes (All in one SEO, WP Multi Language, Image/Video galleries, etc.).

You can extend unlimited the shipping and payment methods by developing easily your own WordPress plugins, or using the community plugins. TheCartPress has an API to extended its features.

Template functions for themes developers

Different products types: Grouped, Simple, Downloadable, etc.

New user roles: Merchant and Customer.

Plugin homepage: http://thecartpress.com for more information.

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