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WPeMatico RSS Feed Fetcher for WordPress

WPeMatico RSS Feed Fetcher by Etruel Developments LLC is a free easy to use autoblogging plugin. Organized into campaigns, it publishes your posts automatically from the RSS/Atom and XML feeds of your choice. There is a paid for Professional Add-on version with additional features.


Campaigns Feeds and options are organized into campaigns.
Comfortable interface like Worpress posts editing for every campaign.
Multiple feeds / categories / tags.
Auto add categories from source posts.
Integrated or not with the Simplepie library that comes with WordPress. This includes RSS 0.91 and RSS 1.0 formats, the popular RSS 2.0 format, Atom …
From 2.2v also supports for XML feeds or files by uploading them into WordPress Media lib.
Feed auto discovery allows you to add feeds without even knowing the exact URL. (Thanks Simplepie!)
Unix cron and WordPress cron jobs.
For maximum performance, you can make the RSS fetching process be called by an external cron job, or simply let WordPress handle it.
Options to set max items per fetch, comments on or off, sets authors and a lot of more options.
It allows to publish to any public WordPress Custom post type, status and post formats.
Images caching are integrated with WordPress Media Library.
The first (or 2nd or 3rd, you choose) image attached to a post can be marked as the Featured Image.
It is possible to upload & attach only the featured image ignoring the others.
Compatible to work with Featured Image from URL plugin by Marcel Jacques Machado.
You can choose whether to upload images as post attachments or not. Also upload remote images or link to source. Fully configurable.
You can choose whether to upload audio and video files as post attachments or not. Also upload remote files or link to source. Fully configurable.
Words or phrases rewriting. Regular expressions supported.
Words Relinking. Define custom links for the words or phrases you specify.
Words to Category. Define custom words to search into content or title to assign every post to specified category.
Detailed Log sending to custom e-mail. On every executed cron or only on errors with a campaign.
Option to replace title links (Permalinks) to point to the source site.
Can copy the slug from original permalink for better SEO.
Post templating before save. Can include Galleries, link to the sources or any text you want.
Dashboard Widget with campaigns summary.
Option to choose what roles can see the dashboard widget.
Multilanguage ready.


Allows featured images from URL with Featured Image from URL plugin.
Allows to work with external crons from same server or external cron services websites.
Allows to publish forums, topics and answers in BBPress forums.
Allows to publish from XML custom feeds setting up their configurations.
Publishing from YouTube playlists, channels and profile feeds.
Allows to publish in multiple languages with Polylang plugin. Requires Polylang and WPeMatico Polylang plugins installed.

Additional details: https://etruel.com/downloads/wpematico/

More info: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpematico/

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