Ultimate Maps is a free plugin for WordPress by Supsystic, developed after the changes in Google maps pricing policy. According to the new rules, using Google maps is becoming too expensive for websites with large traffic. Therefore, Supsystic team provides users with the Google Maps alternatives:
* Bing maps
* OpenStreetMap or OSM
* Leaflet maps
* Mapbox
* Thunderforest
The plugin also features:
Online Ultimate Maps builder
Unlimited markers with description, links, images, videos and more
Markers categories
Fully responsive
100% customizable
Add map via shortcode or PHP code
Maps and Markers Import and Export
Map with Exposition slider
KML layers Import and
Map Markers Clustering
Maps Themes and Styles
Ultimate Maps markers with slider mode
Linked markers
There is a paid for premium version.
More info: https://supsystic.com/