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WordPress Announcements News and Info

WP Event Manager Plugin for WordPress

WP Event Manager is free a WordPress plugin by Ashok Dudhat and GAM that adds event listing functionality to your WordPress site. The shortcode lists all the events, it can work with any theme and is easy to setup and customise. There are premium add-ons available.

Free Plugin Features:
Fully Responsive
Cross Browsers support ( Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera )
Multilingual Translation – Internationalized Supported
Completely ajaxified for super smooth browsing
Add, manage, and categorise event listings using the familiar WordPress UI.
Searchable & filterable ajax powered event listings added to your pages via shortcodes.
Frontend forms for guests and registered users to submit & manage event listings.
Allow event listers to preview their listing before it goes live. The preview matches the appearance of a live event listing.
Each listing can be tied to an email or website address so that attendees can register to the events.
Searches also display RSS links to allow attendees to be alerted to new events matching their search.
Allow logged in organizers to view, edit, mark cancelled, or delete their active event listings.
Compatible with SEO plugins
RSS Feeds
Event categories
Easily create custom event field (e.g. dress code)
Assign event locations and view events by location
Widgets for Recents, Upcomming, Featured Events
Plenty of template tags and shortcodes for use in your posts and pages
Caching Support
Developer friendly code, Custom Post Types, endpoints & template files.
Singleton Javascript, Ajax & Save memory at client side.
Debug Mode for Developers

Pro Add-ons Plugin Features:
Registrations Allow attendees to register to events using a form & organizers to view and manage the registrations from their event dashboard.
WooCommerce Sell Tickets Sell tickets for your events and keep track of them. Event Sell Tickets addon runs on the most popular ecommerce system for WordPress powered by WooCommerce. Create multiple event tickets which can be purchased or redeemed during event submission. Requires the WooCommerce plugin.
Event Alerts Allow registered users to save their event searches and create alerts which send new events via email daily, weekly or fortnightly.
Bookmarks Attendees/User can bookmark events and organizer can bookmark attendees/user using Bookmarks Plugin. Only logged in users can bookmarks. User can give an note while bookmark and this note is optional.
Embeddable Event Widget Event Listing Owner (Organizer/User) can generate embed code using Embeddable Event Widget plugin. This embed code can display organizer’s event listings wherever they use this code.
Sliders Use owl carousel and other type of sliders for your listings. The sliders are totally responsive.
Organizers Organizers add-on display grouped and alphabetized list of all the organizers.It also display total active events and total organizers.
Contact Organizer You can contact to the organizer via contact form. You can also create own email template for sending mail to organizer.
Emails You can create own email template for the user activity like Changes the default user registration email templates. When new user register then send mail with own defined template.
Event Tags Using the Event Tags plugin you can add a new event tags field to the submit process, show events filtered by tag via shortcodes, and add tag filtering to the standard events shortcode.
Google Analytics This Google Analytics plugin enables you to track your site using the latest Google Analytics tracking code and allows you to view key Google Analytics reports at your google analytics account.
Logs You can make enable or disable debugging and trace javascript and other files with this plugin.

More info: http://www.wp-eventmanager.com/product-category/plugins/

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