everest64 is a free, responsive, clean multipurpose WordPress theme for Travels, Tours and Trekking agencies or companies, built in Bootstrapp framework.
By default, WordPress site will takes you to Blog as your Homepage but in order to get the EVEREST64 Theme Homepage, you have to go to Pages > Add New page. Here you can add title as Home and select the template as Home page. Then Save the page, assign that page to frontpage via settings and all done…!!!
Go to Appearance > Customize.
Click on EVEREST64 Theme Option where you will get the following sections for the homepage to set.
*** EVEREST64 Theme Option ***
1. Theme Logo:
You can replace the default theme logo with your own logo by uploading on Site Identity Section of Customizer. Uploaded image size must be 350px width and 60px height for the logo. After uploading your logo image, please unchecked at Display Site Title and Tagline to be replaced by logo image.
2. Homepage Slider Section:
Here you can choose your Homepage Slider image category that will display in Homepage Slider accordingly. First create a category name Slider and add slider images via Posts. The maximum number of slides are 5.
3. Homepage About Us Section:
You can input your text for company brief description, sweet title heading, image and url link that will be opened when clicked on that button.
4. Homepage Services Category Section:
Since this is a category displaying section, here you will need to input your category title, category image and category link url which when clicked that page / post will be opened. The maximum no. of service category block is 4.
5. Homepage Featured Packages Section:
Here as said above, you can choose your Featured Packages / deals / hot deals / popular packages category where as necessary. The theme will display featured image, title and link url with a beautiful animation. The maximum no. of packages is 8.
6. Homepage Blog Section:
You can choose your Homepage Blog category from the list provided. The maximum no. of blog lists is 4.
7. Above Footer Section:
This section have Contact Infromation of your company like Telephone no. with icon, Email address with icon and Company Address with icon. Fontawesome have been used here as icon. Use for phone icon, for email icon and for address icon.
8. Social Icon Link Section:
This option will display your social media links to your viewers beautifully. Make sure that you have filled all the social links urls, blank field will not be displayed in site and it will be hidden by default.
9. Contact page Section:
There is a contact page template option in Pages if you want to show Google Map in contact us page. Just create a page named Contact Us, select template as contact page, input your information on body contents and Save the page by clicking on Publish. You can use ContactForm7 plugin if you wish to show contact form option. After that, go to Appearance > Widgets and select Text Widget option for Contact Block. Paste your embeded iFrame Google Map and Save the widget.
Theme homepage: http://sumanshresthaa.com.np/theme/everest64-theme