WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

Advanced Google Maps Plugin for WordPress

Advanced Google Maps Plugin for WordPress a premium add-on for WordPress has a huge number of features and does not need Google API key.

Some features:
Add any number of fields in location details and display them in infowindow. e.g fax,phone,email,website etc. Import data from csv, excel, json and xml.
Assign multiple categories to a location.
Choose to redirect to a location or display infowindow message on marker click.
Export locations in to CSV,EXCEL,JSON and XML format.
Searchable listing in backend to manage location quickly
Import locations using CSV,EXCEL,JSON and XML Format. Sample files are included in purhcase bundle.
Fetch locations from external data source e.g custom tables or api and assign to map on fly using hooks.
Ability to fetch latitude,longitude,city,country,state and pincode automatically when you type address in input field.

Full feature list and info at: http://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-google-maps-plugin-for-wordpress/5211638

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