business2community has posted an interesting article on weather you should disable trackbacks and pingbacks On WordPress posts.
“What Does A Trackback/Pingback Actually Do?
1. Yvone writes something on her blog.
2. Kathleen wants to comment on Yvone’s blog, but wants her own readers to see what she had to say, and be able to comment on her own blog.
3. Kathleen posts on her own blog and sends a trackback to Yvone’s blog.
4. Yvone’s blog receives the trackback, and displays it as a comment to the original post. This comment contains a link to Kathleen’s post.
Now, obviously this increases interaction and Yvone is able to convey her opinion on Kathleen’s post. This introduces both blogs to new audiences and different readerships. Kathleen’s post on her blog does not contain the entirety of Yvone’s article, but only an excerpt. You could consider it similar to trailer/teaser for a movie.
Pingbacks are very similar, the only difference is they are automated. They were designed to solve a problem of trackbacks which were lacking in authenticity. You have to remember that no matter what Kathleen says about Yvone’s post; on Yvone’s blog she gets the final say and can edit the trackback as she sees fit.”