WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

Loftopia announce Beginner’s Guide on Blogging with WordPress

Loftopia, a small boutique web firm based Detroit that creates online traction for break-out companies, has released a guide teaching the basics of creating blogs and content through WordPress.

WordPress is quickly becoming the most popular blog platform on the internet, and part of Loftopia’s service is to consult clients on creating a content pool and marketing strategy for online takeovers. Teaching clients the very basics of WordPress blogging is usually the first step in Loftopia’s holistic approach to web marketing, and now Loftopia has released their guide to the public for taking the first step into content marketing.

Kevin Qian, Loftopia’s Marketing Consultant and Writer had this to say about the guide, “We are excited to get this short guide out to the public. One would be shocked by how many people haven’t even started trying to blog about their company because the technical aspects are holding them back. Well no more! We’ve broken it down into just a couple of easy steps, and we even include some SEO tips in there to further boost your visibility.”

Content, or inbound marketing, is an increasingly dominant strategy in web visibility – rather than relying on the SEO “shortcuts” of years past, content marketing relies on creating strong, relevant, and useful information for a target audience, and gets Google and social visibility through link sharing and word-of-mouth.

Loftopia enlists a two-pronged strategy that employs both SEO tactics and inbound strategies to create an steady, yet rapid, ascension in web presence. If you would like more information, please visit Loftopia.com. The Beginner’s Guide to Blogging can be found here on Loftopia’s Blog: http://loftopia.com/2004/marketing/content-generation-posting-blog-articles/.

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