WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

Google Map Lightbox Popup for WordPress

Google Map Lightbox Popup is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add a google map popup image which on click pops up the google map for your business or the address that you want to portray.

Add a google map popup feature for your website.
you can create any number of google map popus.
Widget to use the pop up in sidebar
Easily manageable back-end.
Easy to use shortcode. Use it anywhere you want to.
Allows you to add/upload a different image or google map image.
You can select the map type you want to use.
Highly customizable with the height and width of the image and the popup that will come up.
Allows you to add your address bubble on the map.

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/google-map-lightbox-popup/

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