WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

Noteworthy magazine Theme for WordPress

Noteworthy is a magazine style Theme for WordPress inspired by USAToday.com.

Perfect for news and magazine style blogs and even photo galleries. The theme features social media buttons which are easily set up through a theme options page in the admin.

By default the home page featured article and the list of featured articles just displays the most recent posts, but the theme is coded so that you can define what exactly appears here using the built in sticky posts feature of WordPress. The latest sticky post will be the main feature with the big image while older sticky posts will be list to the right of this. That won’t be to everyone’s taste, but we did it like this because we wanted to be able to control what was featured at the top of the page. The tiled posts will always just be the latest.

Theme homepage; http://wpthemes.co.nz

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/noteworthy

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