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WordPress Flickr Embed Plugin

WordPress Flickr Embed is a plugin by yuji.od and randomaniac that provides an interactive interface for adding Flickr images to your posts. The interface is conveniently launched from the visual editor toolbar.

Features: * Search for an select any public photo or a private one from your photostream (requires Flickr authorization). * Insert a photo anywhere in your post, choosing its title, size and how it should be aligned to the text. * Link the photo back to its Flickr page or to a different-sized version of itself. * Supports Lightbox and Lightview popups.

This is a fork of the (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-media-flickr/) plugin for WordPress and provides numerous bug fixes and enhancements over the original.

Source on Github: https://github.com/hiddentao/wp-flickr-embed

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-flickr-embed/

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