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WordPress Announcements News and Info

WordPress Batch-Move wp plugin

Batch-Move wp plugin for WordPress by Walchum.net that make it possible to change the category where a post(s) belong to. You can Add, Update or Delete posts categories. First you make a selection of the records you want to change, then choose new category and the action. Thats all, send your request and the changes are made, the program send you direct to the choosen action category.

The exact use is to move/ a lot of posts to an ohter category, for example all post from news category who from for 1 january to archive archive->2011 or category any name you want. Or just what you want, the different is that this routine can update/add/delete and not just add a post to a category.

It will also remove a category from a list of posts, also if a posts has two categories where it belongs to. So when a post belongs to news and information, it is possible to remove only category news or information, but it also is possible in one action to update it just to category achive (or whatever you want). A screenshot is found here : “http://www.walchum.info/plugin/wp-batch-move.jpg”

The author suggests you make a BACKUP before using!

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/batchmove/

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