WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

Small Business Center at Wake Tech Community College announces WordPress course

Create a Blog+Website Using WordPress is open for enrollment again at The Small Business Center at Wake Tech Community College in Cary, NC starting July 23, 2012. Michelle Gower of Gower Power Consulting, LLC, a WordPress training firm, will lead the course.

The class “will give small business owners and others the ability, live and hands-on, to create their very own website using WordPress starting in the very first session,” said Gower. “We want to empower and educate small business owners who want to take control of their web sites and gain immediate understanding of why WordPress is a great way to move from a plain HTML website to one that they can edit and design with the push of a few buttons.”

“Our classes are pretty conversational anyway, but we do work 100% to ensure our students leave with their questions answered and a new level of excitement about moving forward in their business,” said Gower.

To get full details about each session and register:
Visit https://bitly.com/NxdaQw;

Go to http://conted.waketech.edu and look for Course #86564

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