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WordPress Announcements News and Info

WordPress QR code generator

QR code generator is a WordPress plugin by ReneHermi that can be used to create a qr code on any site of your WordPress installation. Content can be any text or the current URL of the site where it is embeded.

How to use it:
Use the shortcode within your site to generate a qr code including the URL of the current site.

Use the the short code to generate a indivdual qr code with any text content:

It´s not neccessary to give any parameters!

If you don´t give any optional parameters, the standard parameters are:

alt = “free qr code by free-qr-code.net”

size = 80

Requires at least WordPress version 2.0.2 – Tested up to wordpress 3.3.2

Check the plugin page at: free-qr-code.net for further information and for a easy useable qr code online generator

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/qrcode-wprhe/

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