WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

AdPress for WordPress

AdPress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to manage your own site and mobile ads from a simple WordPress admin panel.

Using a shortocde or widgets to place graphic banner, button, or tower ads anywhere on your site. You own and manage the ad space and ads on your site.

Custom Ad types added to WordPress when you install the plugin.
List, sort, and search for ads by title or tag.
Select ads by ID or easier-to-remember shorthand tags.
Uses built-in WordPress media manager to manage graphics.
Shortcodes with options make it easy to customize.
Widgets provided.
Works on all modern web browsers.
Multiple plugin themes available. These themes tweak the look, position, and other style attributes without affecting the rest of the site.
Create your own custom plugin themes. Tweak the CSS and easily re-use the style on multiple pages, or create a unique style for each page.

Plugin homepage: http://www.cybersprocket.com/products/adpress/

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/adpress/

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