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WordPress Announcements News and Info

New Book Reveals How To Create A Website With WordPress

People who like to learn how to create a website with WordPress now have a new resource to turn to with the release of Ming Jong Tey’s book, “How To Create A Website With WordPress And Start A Profitable Online Business”.

Ming’s new book is a concise how to manual to guide people to create a website and start a profitable online business. Each chapter in the book comes with actionable tasks to help readers to stay on the right track and get the most out from the book. The book discusses the detail to register a domain, set up of a reliable hosting account, create a website using the “1 click” solution and create the first post with images, videos, links, etc… in the first five chapters.

“The e-book is very detailed without any fluff. Beginners could definitely get their own site up from A to Z in a very short period of time! I also picked up a few ideas to write my own e-books in the future”! Says Don, one of the customers who left a review on Amazon.

Apart from guiding people to create their first website with WordPress, the book also unveils the affiliate marketing business model, niche selection using reverse engineering approach to target people in the buying mode, competition analysis, five proven traffic generation techniques to attract visitors to the websites and the proper way to scale up the business.

“I learned and actually set up a simple WordPress website using the very comprehensive instructions. I was overjoyed, especially me being not very technical with computers. There were graphics to show me exactly how it was done including the initial buying domain and hosting set up.” Says Nikki, another customer of Ming’s new book.

Ming’s new book, “How To Create A Website With WordPress And Start A Profitable Online Business”, is available for sale on Amazon. Author Ming Jong Tey is available for interviews. Book reviewers may request a review copy of the e-book by contacting the author.

Visit www.amazon.com/Website-Wordpress-Profitable-Business-ebook/dp/B00828XFN6/ to learn more about the book

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