WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

Publicity Monster Announces OnePager 2.0 WordPress Website Creator

Publicity Monster has released version 2.0 of their WordPress website creator called OnePager. OnePager is built on the sturdy WordPress platform bringing all the power and stability of WordPress with the fast set-up of the OnePager system.

OnePager 2.0 replaces the 1.0 beta version with more features, better stability and automated domain set-up. The new version features a better photo gallery, clickable telephone number, contact form and ability to share your page with over 100 social media websites including Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
According to a Google survey, conducted by TNS in February over 50% of Australian businesses do not yet have a website.

Publicity Monster’s goal in building the all in one template is to get small businesses online quickly and make it easy for visitors to get in touch with a business without the need to leave the front page. “For a small one off cost, small businesses can set-up their own website that they can promote, manage and update themselves,” said Product Manager Greta Stojanovic. “We have been big fans of WordPress and build most of our own and our clients sites using the WordPress CMS,” she continued.

OnePager 2.0 costs as little at $299 and comes with a free domain registration for 2 years along with 12 months hosting, which makes it affordable to just about any business. Publicity Monster will be adding more features based on new technologies and customer feedback over the next 12 months as further versions are released.

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