Liquid Information for WordPress a plugin by Liquid Information allows visitors to interact with all the words on your blog for quick searches, references, conversion, sharing and more.
Navigating 7 billion web pages with only pre-made, hard-wired, one-way, author-only-chosen links leaves out the potential of interacting with every single word. With Liquid Information for WordPress every word becomes a link to the most powerful services on the Web – Google, Wikipedia, Translations, Conversions and much more. Facts can be checked, numbers converted, words translated, connections made and information shared at the speed of thought.
Search Google, Bing, Yahoo or any other search engine.
Look up in Wikipedia or any other reference – you choose.
Share what you find with email, Facebook, Twitter, WordPress and more.
Convert any number, including currencies.
Translate between dozens of languages.
Copy plain text or as citation, with Web address and so on.
Dynamically change how you view your page.
(Liquid Information is also available as a Mozilla Firefox Add-On and a Google Chrome Extension from Liquid Information for Web Browsers is the new name (and big update) for the successful add-on previously called ‘Hyperwords’ which BBC World calls “so useful you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it”. Stephen Fry calls it “Genius.” Vint Cerf says “Until you have tried Hyperwords you won’t know what convenience means”. The Firefox version is rated 5/5 star and has over a million downloads.)