Random image gallery with pretty photo zoom is a WordPress plugin by Gopi.R which allows you to simply and easily show random image anywhere in your template files or using widgets with onclick pretty photo zoom.
The Random image gallery with pretty photo zoom WordPress plug-in which allows you to show random image anywhere in your posts, template files or using widgets. When you click the image it will create the pretty photo zoom effect. You can upload your images directly into the folder or you can set the existing image folder location; this plugin will automatically generate the perfect thumbnail image based on the mentioned width. This plugin is very useful to showcase images randomly to user.
Plugin website with live demo: http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2011/12/12/wordpress-plugin-random-image-gallery-with-pretty-photo-zoom/
Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/random-image-gallery-with-pretty-photo-zoom/