Wysija Newsletters plugin for WordPress by wysija enables the creation and sending of newsletters from WordPress.
Pick a theme. Modify its design
Simple one column design. Looks good everywhere, mobile phones included
Drag & drop your articles, free form text, images and horizontal lines
Get stats for each campaign: open, clicks, unreads
Put a subscription form as a sidebar widget or in your pages
Import your lists like a breeze. Manage them without pain
Segment your lists based on opened, clicked & bounced
Your WordPress users have their own synced list
Quick and easy configuration
We offer quick support
Free version is limited to 2000 subscribers
Premium version
There is also Wysija Premium offers extra features:
Unlimited number of subscribers
Stats for individual subscribers
Automated bounce handling. Keeps your list clean
We trigger your email queue, like a real cron job
Priority support
Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wysija-newsletters/