WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

JoomlaWatch PRO for WordPress

JoomlaWatch PRO for WordPress is a plugin by matto3c that features a popular visitor live tracking component ported from Joomla. JoomlaWatch allows you to watch your joomla visitors live stats and bots in real-time from the administration back-end. Specially their IP addresses, countries they come from, geographical location on a map, which pages they are viewing, their browser and operating system, it creates daily and all-time stats from these information plus unique, pageload and total hits statistics. Furthermore, you can block harmful IP addresses, see blocked attempts stats, evaluate the trend charts, and create goals based on many parameters. In the front-end, it displays the top countries, user and visit information for certain periods of time. – translations: brazilian portuguese, dutch, french, german, greek, russian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish, czech, danish, lithuanian, polish italian, turkish, latvian, ukrainian, bulgarian

Demo at: http://joomlawatchdemo.com/wordpress/ http://joomlawatchdemo.com/wordpress/wp-admin/ user: admin, pass: demo

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/joomlawatch-for-wordpress-pro/

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