WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

List.ly Plugin for WordPress

List.ly is a WordPress pugin by milanmk to easily integrate List.ly lists to Posts and Pages. It allows publishers to add/edit lists, add items to list and embed lists using shortcode.

List.ly is a way to create and share lists, as well as integrate collaborative lists into your own blog posts, acting as a catalyst for others to build upon the lists you share. List.ly allows content creators to create lists and then crowdsource them, giving them scalability and allowing them to have lives beyond their original blog post. List.ly allows lists to evolve, just as the service has. The limiting nature of a Twitter list only has so much staying power, according to Subramanyan, and by expanding beyond the social media sphere List.ly becomes more than just a means of sharing editorialized lists.

Download and info: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/listly/

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