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WordPress Announcements News and Info

WP phpBB Bridge for WordPress

WP phpBB Bridge by merianos is the evolution of «WordPress to phpBB3 Bridge». The first version of the plugin was designed to synchronize users of phpBB to WordPress, so when a user log-in to phpBB would be simultaneously connected to WordPress also.

The new version by e-xtnd.it added new features and improvements to exploit many of the features of WordPress previously were not available. Also has been added one new Widget to give more options for your blog.

After activating the Plugin, the user is redirected to connect and disconnect at phpBB. Also keeps the record within the phpBB3 and not WordPress. If a user does not exist in the tables in WordPress, then a new user is created . It should also be noted that after the activation several of the functions of phpBB will be available in WordPress in widget area.

Feature List:
Shares user authentication with phpBB3, by forcing phbBB to handle all the authentication.
Adds new users to WordPress user table from the phpBB3 user table.
Synchronizes WordPress user table from phpBB3 user table.
Allows WordPress themes to display current/last visit date/time as displayed in phpBB3
Widget for user login/user information from phpBB3 to be displayed.
Meta links widget that has registration, logging in, WordPress admin, Forum moderation, and Forum administration links. phpBB3 links visible based on user authentication.
Forum links widget that has links to various forum functions and pages based on the phpBB3 user authentication level.
Multilanguage support
Displays latest’s post’s of specific forum id’s
You can create instances of the same widget.

New Features:
New easy way to deactivate the plugin in case you are locked out (There is no need to access again your database to deactivate the WP phpBB Bridge).
You can select from which categories in WordPress new assigned posts will be auto submited in relevant phpBB forums.
You can specify which author’s posts in WordPress will be published in phpBB forums
A new user-friendly dashboard with a quick view information about plugin status
You can specify the phpBB encoding for the WP phpBB Bridge Topics widget
You can be informed of your server settings, software, memory usage and many other related information
You can remove our web site link from WP phpBB Bridge User widget, by making a donation. After donation, your web site title with a link to your web site, will be available in Donators page in administration panel of each WP phpBB Bridge installation.

You can download from WP phpBB Bridge dashboard the english language *.po file to translate it into your language.The translations of the previews version 1.x are not compatible with the 2.x version of WP phpBB Bridge.

Plugin homepage: http://www.e-xtnd.it/wp-phpbb-bridge/

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-phpbb-bridge/

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