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WP MySQL Console for WordPress

WP MySQL Console is a WordPress plugin by Ozgur Koca and [email protected] that allows you to to operate your MySQL databases via a simple web interface as real mysql shell.

WP MySQL Console (WPMC) is a web based MySQL command shell. WPMC aims to be a web shell has same and more feautures and functionalites of real MySQL Shell. Integrating of WPMC to any web application such as WP is very easy and dont need any firewall construction to access. Its completly http based.

WPMC consist of 2 important part, javascript console and PHP command interpreter. Javascript console provide a MySQL command prompt for user to type their commands with some usefull functionalities such as *nix like select-copy and command history which can be used arrow keys. Then other important part is PHP command interpeter run on server side. This is a PHP script run on PHP and MySQL supported server. The script interperets commands which coming from javascript console via XMLHttp request and print out results to javascript console via XMLHttp.


Dont require shell account on server.
Not any construction on firewall configuration to cause posible security weakness.
It is platform independent.
It can operate on all operation systems and web browsers that support javascript.

Support for all posible SQL query sentences.
Fastest command interaction with server. Thanks to AJAX.
Auto select&copy function similar to behaviour of *nix terminal window.
Command history. Remembers previously entered commands (use up/down arrow keys).

Plugin homepage: http://www.tankado.com/projects/phpMySQLConsole/index.php

Download: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-mysql-console/

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