Layers for Publishers by Moyo is a WordPress plugin that help you to insert the javascript from directly in your wordpress header.
Sharing across Facebook and Twitter is done right from the Layers for Publishers toolbar, visitors can easily share your content, while keeping them where you want them: on your site.
Layers is your personalized social channel.
Layers offers an elegant, fluid way to see what your friends are sharing on social networks, letting all your networks flow together. With Layers you can share, discover and interact with everything you care about all in one place about all in one place.
Layers serves up content that your visitors might not be able to find otherwise in a visually appealing format, allowing for increased pageviews and deeper digging into your content. And you can centralize all of your properties on one channel: Layers puts all of your content on one channel — whether you have one property or 20 — helping you drive traffic between sites and build up your brand.