Available immediately is bbPress 2.0 Beta 3, chock full of fixes and enhancements to help smooth out the integration of bbPress into your existing WordPress.org powered site.
Important changes since Beta 2:
Akismet integration
Fixes replies within wp-admin
Fixes reply notification links
Fixes inconsistent breadcrumb behavior
Fixes theme compatibility issues
Fixes archive and page conflicts
Improvements to unpretty permalink support
Improvements to importer
Improvements to multisite support
Normalize theme, shortcodes, and template parts
Add humans.txt
Add empty index.php files to prevent snooping
Add max length to topic titles (default 80 chars)
Add shortcodes for login, register, and lost password forms
Add proper redirect handling to topics and replies, allowing them to live almost anywhere
Add permalink collision warnings if custom slugs conflict
Download: http://bbpress.org/blog/2011/06/bbpress-2-0-beta-3/