WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

WordPress Profile Builder

Profile Builder is a WordPress plugin that lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user-information or to register new users.

Also, grants users with administrator rights to customize basic fields. To achieve this, just create a new page, and give it an intuitive name(i.e. Edit Profile). Now all you need to do is add the following shortcode(for the previous example): [wppb-edit-profile]. Publish your page and you are done! You can use the following shortcodes: * [wppb-edit-profile] – to grant users a front-end acces to their personal information(requires user to be logged in). * [wppb-login] – for a log-in form. * [wppb-register] – to add a registration form.

Users with administrator rights have access to the following features: * add a custom stylesheet/inherit values from the current theme or use the default one, built into this plug-in. * select whether to display or not the admin bar in the front end for a specific user-group registered to the site. * select which information-field can the users see/modify. The hidden fields’ values remain unmodified.

Download and info: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/profile-builder/

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