WordPress Announcements News and Info
WordPress Announcements News and Info

IDrive Backup Plugin for WordPress

IDrive Plug-in for WordPress by IDrive Team is a backup utility, designed specifically to backup WordPress blog data into your IDrive online backup account. It provides scheduled as well as immediate backup of WordPress blog data including files and MySQL database dump.

Install and activate the IDrive Plug-in for WordPress. Through the Plug-in, create a new IDrive online backup account to start backing up your WordPress data.

Immediate backup of WordPress blog data, both files as well as MySQL data dump, into your IDrive online backup account
Scheduled backups occur after 12 midnight every day
Immediate restore of backed up data from your IDrive online backup account
Smart backup – Only the first backup transfers entire WordPress content, subsequent backups are incremental where only the modified data is backed up
Automatic notification via email on backup / restore status
Secure transfer of data to IDrive server using SSL. Non SSL transfer option is also available for non SSL servers
Detailed logging of backup / restore operations

System Requirements
Wordpress 2.8.5 or higher hosted on a Linux / Unix system. WordPress blog hosted on a Windows system is not supported
Javascript enabled web browser – IE, Safari, Firefox, Chrome
Admin access to WordPress dashboard to activate the Plug-in
PHP 5.1 or higher

Plugin homepage: http://www.idrive.com/wordpress.htm

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