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WordPress Announcements News and Info

TweetMeme Button for WordPress

This plugin allows your blog post or page to be retweeted. It provides a live count of how many times your post/page has been retweeted throughout Twitter.

The TweetMeme Retweet button is used by some of the biggest websites in the world including Techcrunch.com, PerezHilton.com, Break.com, CNET.com, Wired, Time Magazine and this website.

Live count of tweets from Twitter
Allows you to change the source which you retweet, E.g. “RT @yourname ”
Easily installation and customisation
Quicker loading times for the buttons
Better integration, allowing custom titles, hashtags and URL shortner
Removes the default “RT @tweetmeme”
Ability to control the length of the tweets (through the new spaces parameter)
Integrates with WordPress MU

Plugin homepage: http://tweetmeme.com/about/plugins

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