ShopperPress 2.16 is a fully featured shopping cart theme for WordPress, suitable for selling any types of products, services, and digital downloads online.
1. New Ebay product import tools
2. Update amazon product import tool
3. New chheckout system
4. New shipping method options for UPS/ Ground / Air delivery
5. New Download Shopper System allowing you to sell or allow free downloads of files such as PDF’s, images, .zip/.exe etc.
6. New payment options added incuding paypal.
Download: [url=]ShopperPress – WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin[/url]
Online Demo: [url=]ShopperPress – Online Demo[/url]
There are free and paid for versions.
ShopperPress also have:
DirectoryPress – Free Directory Theme
ClassifiedsTheme – WordPress Classifieds Theme
CouponPress – Free Coupon Code Theme